- Kelsey CreekBellevue, WA
- Christa Care CenterSeattle, WA
- Oroville Nursing HomeOroville, CA
- Ranier Vista Care CenterPuyallup, WA
- Marysville Care CenterMarysville, WA
- Richmond Beach Nursing Cen.Seattle, WA
- Tecumseh Care CenterTecumseh, NE
- Health Center of TracyTracy, CA
- Careage at WhidbeyCoupeville, WA
- Eastlake Care CenterProvo, UT
- San Georgina Pass N.H.Banning, CA
- Cascade Park Care CenterVancouver, WA
- Belmont TerraceBremerton, WA
- Ridgemont TerracePort Orchard, WA
- Everett Rehab & CareEverett, WA
- Nursing Care of ChicoChico, CA
- Carmel Mountain CareRancho Bernardo, CA
Alabama: Daphne Alaska: Anchorage, Fairbanks Arizona: Apache Junction, Chandler, Globe, Green Valley, Kingman, Mesa, Scottsdale California: Gridley, Martinez, Novato, Redding, Walnut Creek, Yucca Valley Colorado: Colorado Springs Illinois: Dwight Indiana: Logansport, Plymouth Iowa: Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Glenwood Missouri: Appleton City, Glasgow, St. Joseph Montana: Anaconda, Missoula, Red Lodge Nebraska: Omaha, Tecumseh Nevada: Boulder City, Carson City, Ely, Las Vegas, North Las Vegas New Mexico: Gallup, Ruidoso North Dakota: LaMoure Oregon: Astoria, Bend, Coos Bay, Corvallis, Eugene, Grants Pass, Independence, LaGrande, Lincoln, Milton Freewater, North Bend, Portland, Roseburg, St. Helens, Seaside, The Dalles, Woodburn South Dakota: Groton, Ipswich Utah: Ogden, Price, Richfield, St. George, Salt Lake City Washington: Anacortes, Arlington, Bellevue, Bremerton, Centralia, Cle Elum, East Bremerton, Edmonds, Goldendale, Juanita, Kirkland, Lakewood, Long Beach, Long Beach-Ilwaco, Marysville, Olympia, Othello, Pasco, Pullman, Puyallup, Renton, Seattle, Tacoma, Tekoa, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Winslow, Woodland, Yakima Wisconsin: Appleton, Crabdon, Eau Claire, Evansville, Lancaster, Mequon, Monroe, Randolph, Superior Waunakee, Wisconsin Dells